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CameraView is a well documented, high-level library that makes capturing pictures and videos easy, addressing most of the common issues and needs.

Supports real-time filters, gestures (tap-to-focus, pinch-to-zoom, ...), watermarks, frame processing, outputs of any size, system permissions handling and much more.

Aug 23, 2017

CameraKit is an extraordinarily easy to use utility to work with the infamous Android Camera and Camera2 APIs.

Mar 2, 2017

Camera API in Android is hard. Having 2 different API for new and old Camera does not make things any easier. But this is your lucky day! After several years of working with Camera we came up with Fotoapparat.

What it provides:

  • Simple, yet powerful API for working with Camera.
  • Support of Camera1 as well as Camera2.
  • Last, but not least, non 0% test coverage.

Apr 23, 2017

Sticker-Camera is an Android application which allows to add stickers and tags on the picture.

Jul 23, 2015

L Camera is an open-source experimental camera app for Android L devices using the new android.hardware.camera2 API.

Please note that this app is intended to test and study new features of the camera API, it is not for general uses as it lacks many basic camera features (location tagging, white balance, photo review, flash control, etc).

Nov 5, 2014

This project is an Android library to provide an API to access an external USB webcam that supports UVC. The library provides an in-process service (WebcamManager) so that multiple parts of an application can share the same webcam.

Jul 18, 2014

Android library handling flashlight for camera and camera2 api. Added support for handling display/screen light.

May 29, 2017

Simple android camera to capture and get bitmaps.

Sep 28, 2016

Camera module for Android applications.

Jan 17, 2015

LiveEdgeDetection is an Android document detection library built on top of openCV. It scans documents from camera live mode and allows you to adjust crop using the selected 4 edges and performs perspective transformation of the cropped image.

It works best with a dark background.

Apr 12, 2018

CameraView aims to help Android developers easily integrate Camera features.

Sep 11, 2016

Record full-resolution video on your Android devices.

Available on Google Play.

Jan 10, 2015

sandrios camera allows developers to integrate image and video capturing without dealing with the complicated camera APIs.

Dec 27, 2016

A simple easy-to-integrate Camera Fragment for Android.

CameraFragment preview directly the camera view, and provides a easy API to capture or manage the device.

You can setup your own layout and control the camera using CameraFragment.

Jan 17, 2017

What EasyCam offers

  1. Screen orientation handling
  2. Output image orientation handling
  3. Front and Back cam support
  4. Flash support
  5. Single and multiple photo shoot mode
  6. Set minimum and maximum count for multiple shoot mode
  7. Preview of taken photos
  8. Manual focus
  9. Live preview in full screen or fit to aspect ratio
  10. Delete option in multiple shoot mode

The standout point in Easy cam is that all components are configurable (i.e) Capture button drawable, Done button background and text.

Jan 1, 2020

A Custom camera Demo App. In this Demo we can take pictures and record videos too using camera2api.

Why would anyone want to use this? If someone wants to upload pictures or videos from its own app to main the quality of app content. Like instagram use its own custom camera.

Jul 28, 2018

📸 A library that allows you to capture images secretly, in background without alerting users.

Nov 30, 2019

Realtime camera filters for Android.

Aug 9, 2016

Highly flexible Android Camera which offers granular control over the video quality and file size, while restricting recordings to be landscape only.

Dec 13, 2014

Android library with simple yet powerful components for using device camera in your apps.

The library contains a set of components (views), ready to be put to your layout files in order to give developer instant access to the following features:

  • Instantly display the live preview video feed from the device camera
  • Scan barcodes (using built-in ZXing decoding engine)
  • Perform your own camera live data processing
Jul 5, 2014

A sample android camera example.

Jul 21, 2014

Open camera project - multi-functional camera application for android.

Jul 18, 2014

The bare bone pipeline infrastructure required for using google's android vision detectors. Most of the source codes were extracted from Google's android vision sample.

Aug 16, 2017

A simple android app that tracks your eyes, detects your face and pauses/resumes a video playing according to that. Built using Google Vision API, Android Studio and lots of code for learning purposes.

A tracking and detection android app, made for learning purposes.

Jan 10, 2019

Tiny library that measures human heart rate using camera and flash light and returns beats per minute as rx stream for you to use.

Jan 13, 2018

Easy to use library to take picture or scanning barcodes in an Android app with lots of customisation.

Feb 4, 2019

A Magic library to take photos and select pictures in Android. In a simple way and if you need it also save the pictures in device.

May 23, 2016

Video Recording with Camera2 and apply video filter.

Jul 25, 2018

This library is to take picture using camera from background without displaying preview.

Dec 9, 2016

The aim of this library is to let you integrate camera features to your app, in case using Intent to launch default Camera cannot fulfill your requirements.

This is a fork from Google's CameraView. Based on the original one, the following has been done (As per Version 0.7.0):

  • Resolved some bugs
  • Implemented zoom feature
  • Improved API friendliness
  • Changed return image from byte[] to Bitmap (with correct orientation)
  • Added listeners
  • Allow force fallback to Camera
Dec 20, 2017